The FBI has issued a warning regarding the targeting of victims in Asia by scams involving human trafficking and cryptocurrencies.

In a press release, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) cautioned individuals, including US citizens and those living or travelling abroad, to be vigilant about fake job advertisements linked to labour trafficking. These scams typically operate by posting fraudulent job ads on social media and online employment platforms, offering attractive positions with high salaries and benefits.

Once victims arrive in Southeast Asia, their passports are confiscated, and they are coerced into participating in crypto scams against unsuspecting individuals. If victims fail to meet the scammers’ demands, they may face violence, abuse, murder, or be sold to other criminal organizations.

To avoid falling into such traps, the FBI advises job seekers to thoroughly research the advertised company before accepting an offer, be cautious of vague language or limited job details, and remain sceptical of unusually high salaries and excessive perks mentioned in the advertisements.

This warning from the FBI follows reports of similar crypto scam rings involving enslaved individuals. In the past, the Cambodian government faced criticism for allegedly tolerating Chinese crime rings that trafficked thousands of migrant workers and forced them to participate in fraudulent activities, including crypto-related scams. Additionally, the Philippine National Police recently rescued around 1,000 victims of human trafficking who were forced to work long hours for cryptocurrency scams. Authorities subsequently arrested 12 suspected ringleaders involved in the operation

By Nadeem Alam

Nadeem Alam is a crypto enthusiast with strong background in Public Relation, working in the blockchain industry for 4 years. Experienced in developing and executing innovative marketing strategies.

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